Charity Foundation by Jesus
Purchase of a new pump - Finsterwald
In a further project, we would like to introduce you to a farmer family from Finsterwald near Entlebuch, which lives in summer (May to September) with all the cattle on the Alp Erixmoss in Bramboden. The rest of the year is spent by the 72-year-old pensioner father Josef and his wife Rita (57 years) at the main farm in Finsterwald on the Fuchsschnellen. The oldest son Sepp (29) is about to take over the farm. Preparations are almost complete and there is a long-term perspective for the farm. Unfortunately, there are always financial hardships, which presents the family with big challenges. In the fall, the 40-year-old gas pump was broken, which is indispensable for the operation of the farm. In addition, they must ensure the replacement of the over 40 years old loading wagon, which has completely dropped out. This happened just after the renovation of an alpine stable, which was rebuilt by a lot of dedication, initiative and the commitment of the whole family. Only then could the Nebenalp be maintained on Eixmoss in Bramboden in the summer with 8 cattle.that the main house and a non-habitable side building can be renovated.
Markus, a volunteer of "Berghilfe Schweiz", has known the family for several years and supports them every summer with his two boys for one week at Alp Erixmoos in Bramboden. Family solidarity among the 6 grown-up children and their great dedication to the farm on evenings, weekends, and holidays proves great solidarity and gratitude.
He comes from a small farm in Entlebuch (Doppleschwand) and is very connected to agriculture. It is impressive for him to see how, with a lot of initiative and creativity (own cheese production of the entire alpine milk, cheese dairy, direct marketing), the family tries to run the business as profitably as possible, which has encouraged him to call us for help.
Since such purchases by the federal government and the cantons (public sector) are not supported, we have assured the family our financial help to defuse the serious emergency.
Together with another foundation, we were able to raise the costs for a new pump, so that son Josef can take over a functioning farm with alp, which offers a long-term perspective.